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showing result numbers: 1—13 of 13
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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
77.24 Attica CG Attica Athens Kantharos c. 550 ?
88.24 Eretria (attrib. to) CG Euboia Seal c. 550 - 525 ?
98.01 Thessaly CG Thessaly Korope Stele c. 550 ?
99.05 Thessaly CG Thessaly Larisa Coin c. 492
99.10 Thessaly CG Thessaly Kierion Plaque c. 450 - 425 ?
182.03 Methana & Troizen PL Eastern Argolid Troizen Funerary monument c. 500 ?
182.14 Epidauros PL Eastern Argolid Epidauros Handle (?) c. 475 - 450 ?
199.20 Lakonia PL Lakonia Olympia Halter c. 550 - 525 ?
200.30 Lakonia PL Lakonia Sparta Stele c. 510 - 500
234.08 Korkyra NW Ionian Islands Korkyra Grave stele c. 650 - 600 ?
234.12 Korkyra NW Ionian Islands Korkyra ? 7th - 6th century
304.18 Amorgos AI Ionic Is. (Cen. & N. Aegean) Arkesine Stele c. 550 to 500 ?
341.08 Samos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Samos Grave stele c. 550 - 540 ?